In 2011, the Indiana General Assembly passed a law to
prohibit the construction of “satellite manure storage structures” (SMSS) without
first obtaining state approval. State
law defines these structures as, “a building, lagoon, pad, pit, pond, or tank”
that is designed for the storage of “at least one million (1,000,000) gallons
of manure; or at least five thousand (5,000) cubic yards of manure.” IC § 13-11-2-196.2. Smaller structures remain unregulated.
On September 10, 2014, the Environmental Rules Board
adopted preliminary rules for putting this statute into effect. These rules can be found here: Satellite
Manure Storage Structure Rules (Preliminary). The rules essentially follow the standards
for construction of manure storage structures at CAFOs and CFOs established by
the National Resources Conservation Service.
The NRCS standards can be found here:
Conservation Standards. Existing regulated
livestock producers should note that if a SMSS accepts manure from their
permitted operation, the structure is deemed an “expansion” requiring a new
CAFO or CFO approval, rather than simply a SMSS approval. This means most SMSS will ultimately be
permitted by crop farmers in Indiana rather than livestock producers.
Various environmental groups complained that standards are not strict enough. Local media have picked up on these
complaints because they make for good headlines. The Indianapolis Star, for example, headlined
an article: Indiana
Too Lax on Livestock Ponds? WTHR wrote: Dumped
in Indiana: State Panel Gives Preliminary OK for New Manure Storage Rules.But the truth is that SMSS standards are just as strict as standards for manure storage structures built on farmsteads. And because these remote storage facilities do not have a continuous flow of manure (unlike onsite lagoons), maintenance is much simpler because it is easy to take a SMSS out of service. The real question for farmers is whether their local zoning ordinances will permit SMSS or effectively zone them out of existence with deep setback requirements.
Will other states follow Indiana’s development of regulations for satellite manure storage structures? Time will tell.
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