The letter authored by Nebraska Senators Mike Johanns and Ben Nelson, and Representatives Jeff Fortenberry, Adrian Smith, and Lee Terry, followed. The letter questions the EPA's authority to conduct these "inspections." The letter asks Administrator Jackson whether the EPA has used evidence from such flights as the sole evidence of violations, or whether corroborating on-ground evidence was also gathered. The letter asks the EPA to provide answers to a number of other questions, including:
- What criteria are used to identify operations for aerial surveillance?
- How many enforcement actions have resulted from the flights in Region 7?
- At what elevation are flights typically operating when images are recorded?
- Do these aerial surveillance flights ever disrupt livestock? Have any of the operations that have been subject to aerial inspections raised concerns with increased animal stress or noise?
- Do images ever record land or buildings not currently subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act or other applicable federal law?
- Do the images collected ever include residential buildings? If so, are those residences occupied by the responsible parties associated with the regulated facility?
- For how long are images kept?
Residential inspection plays a vital role when it comes to public safety. Especially, concerning EPA's Clean Water Act.