During our Indiana Ag Leadership class trip to Liberia, West Africa recently, I saw something that has stuck with me since I arrived back in Indiana. At a United Nation's peacekeeping outpost in Ganta, Liberia--manned completely by Bangladeshi troops and engineers--I noticed a large saying hand painted on the side of a building. I could only make out a few words, but I wrote those down. When I returned to Indiana, I Googled the phrase to see what it said. Here's what I found:
It is not enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.
Although I could tell from my photo that the quote was from Roosevelt, I was surprised when learned the quote was from Eleanor Roosevelt. I thought, how perfect of a quote to summarize my thoughts after two years in the Indiana Ag Leadership program. Great leaders don't just talk. Great leaders lead by doing.
The Worst Hard Time
by Timothy Egan |
One of our assignments in the class was to write a leadership white paper discussing a leadership topic relevant to agriculture. I read the book
The Worst Hard Time, which follows the struggles of various farm families in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Colorado during the Dust Bowl. The 1930s were devastating to many farm families in the Great Plains. Many other people in the US thought the area should be abandoned and allowed to become another "Sahara desert." But instead, this was a time when great leaders rose to the challenge of saving the land. One of those great leaders was
Hugh Bennett, who founded the Soil Conservation Service (now the
National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)). Bennett believed that through modified farming practices, hedge rows, and returning marginal land to pasture the area could not only be saved but also could thrive. His foresight and ideas proved correct, saving much of America's breadbasket from ruin.
USAID is working to rebuild
Liberian agriculture. |
This example of government rising to meet unexpected challenges contrasts sharply with what our ag leadership class observed in Liberia, West Africa. Liberia is a country where the failure of leadership plummeted the country into years of civil war and instability. The result for agriculture--as well as the population--was devastating. Today, more than a decade after the civil war ended,
the scars are still evident everywhere you look. Rice fields are vacant and raising livestock is all but forgotten. Water is still pumped by hand. Liberia is an example when leaders put their own self-interest in front of their citizens. Poor leadership destroys cultures and civilizations.
Our time in Liberia coincided with the 100th birthday of
Norman Borlaug. Dr. Borlaug is called the father of the Green Revolution and is credited with saving a billion lives over his lifetime. He pioneered advancements in wheat genetics and tirelessly promoted this and other modern technologies in corners of the world where agriculture struggled. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1970 for his efforts.
Great leaders realize that it's not about them, it's about empowering the people around them. A leader by himself or herself can accomplish nothing. A leader must work to create positive influence--it cannot be forced upon others from the top down.
The Eleanor Roosevelt quote above was something she said in 1951 during a radio broadcast of the Voice of America. The
Marshall Plan was well underway. Her broadcast would have been heard by Americans working in Europe to rebuild the same cities the US had bombed only years earlier during World War II. Having recently been to Northern Europe and seen how prosperous it was--and contrasting that to warn-torn Liberia which has made little progress in rebuilding the country--I could only reflect on how much leadership and work it took to undertake the Marshall Plan.
Leaders don't just talk. Leaders do.
By Todd Janzen
Indiana Ag Leadership Class 15 at the United Nation's outpost in Ganta, Liberia. |
This is an excerpt of my final speech to the Indiana Ag Leadership class. If you have the chance to participate in an ag leadership class in your state, I highly recommend it.
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